Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Fantastic Flickr!

My husband and I started a Flickr account when our son was born two years ago.  Since our family and close friends live in other states, we use it to save pictures to and have it set so that just those that are invited to can access the account so that they can see pictures of our family.  It is a great technology tool and we love it!  I never really thought about how it could be used in the classroom, however.  I found a website on ways to use Flickr in the classroom.  Check it out...I especially like the idea of creating virtual field trips...AWESOME!!


  1. Thanks for the website...I added it to my Diigo!I liked the idea of using the Flickr map to show where the pictures were taken.So many things to do with older kids... can I do these with the kinders?What do you think?

  2. Thanks for sharing- I, too, especially loved the virtual field trips. I would love to try that! I know how excited our kids get just by showing them pictures on the projector- this seems so much better!

  3. Thanks for the website. I know a lot of people who use Flickr and they really like how easy it is to use.
