In chapter 3, Richardson provides a step by step guide to creating and customizing your own blog. I felt that this was very helpful for me since blogging is something I have never done before. I really appreciated the tips that Richardson gave for what you can do under the "template" tab. You can customize your blog page and really make it yours. You can change the font, template, and add in links and pictures. I am looking forward to using this chapter as more of a reference if I have any more questions.
Chapter 4 is about wikis. I didn't really know what a wiki was and still am a little unsure. To me, it seems like it is a big data base or blog where someone can post something and then another person can come along and edit the information that was posted before? Wikis is something that I would like to know more about and obtain a better understanding of. I would also like to know how wikis are used within the classroom setting. Richardson suggested that wikis could be used as an online text for your classroom's curriculum. This seems appropriate for older students, however, I am looking to see how it can be used with my kindergarten and first grade students. This is something that I will look further into.
I was thinking of maybe creating a wiki for parent teacher conference sign ups. I would create a schedule for parents and they could go in and choose a time that works for them.