Monday, January 28, 2013

Dog with a Blog!

So, my kindergarten and first grade students are always talking about this show called Dog with a Blog on the Disney Channel.  They have told me about it numerous times, but since taking this course I decided to actually check it out.  It looks really cute...and hey if dogs can blog then so can I! :)  Check out the clip from the promo!


  1. I was flipping though the channels with my girls and I saw this show. My interest was peaked by the word "blog" so I had to watch an episode. So cute and your right if a dog can do it so can I...maybe?

  2. Thanks. I have the sweater with the heart on it in the clip. How coincidental. Need to check out this show. It is the first time I am hearing about the program.

  3. I was able to check out an episode this week, my son really enjoyed the show as well. Thanks for mentioning it!

  4. My son watches this all the time! He loves it!
